Local Information on Child Abuse

Local statistic: 97% - 98% of the time when children are physically or sexually abused it's at the hands of a family member or close acquaintance. "Stranger danger" happens only rarely. These statistics cross all boundaries of ethnicity, education and income. (Statistics from Abilene/Taylor County Child Advocacy Center)


"Stop Child Abuse" and "Stop Child Sexual Abuse" produced by the Carver Youth Council and Regional Victim Crisis Center, in collaboration with Abilene/Taylor County Child Advocacy Center, Abilene Police Department and the Taylor County Child Fatality Review Team.

End Human Trafficking in Texas video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FMVsjxh0hs

Resources and Links

Ribbons and Colors


Blue - Child abuse awareness and prevention "Go Blue" (Month of April)

Teal - Sexual assault awareness and prevention (Month of April)

Purple - Family violence