Submit Your Proposal
Now accepting proposals for the 2022 Champion for Children Conference. Read the information below describing what we are looking for and who our audience is. Click on the Proposal Form button and complete the Google Form application. Complete application by 8PM (CST) on Friday, October 29, 2021. Please be aware that some agency systems may block Google forms access
Call for Workshop Proposals
The C4C Conference is excited to announce a call for workshop proposals for the 2022 Champion for Children Conference, in Abilene, TX, at the Abilene Civic Center. The theme of the conference is “Spring into Action!”
We welcome workshop proposals that focus on the uniqueness and value of child abuse specific programs and services. Proposals that engage in a culturally resonant approach to traditionally undeserved populations and those that involve interactive learning techniques and innovative methods are encouraged.
Categories for this years conference
- should draw on best available research and/or prevention practices and include information about impact of featured efforts to strengthen and engage communities in prevention of child abuse.
Survivor Services – focus on case studies, successes and lessons learned.
Policy and Legal Advocacy – incorporate effective strategies, ideas, or policy analysis for enhancing a survivor's access to legal justice. Topics may be focused on law enforcement investigations and prosecutions, evidence gathering for trial (i.e. forensic exams), survivors' legal and civil rights and remedies, and increasing collaboration among disciplines (i.e. MDTs, human trafficking coalitions) in order to assist survivors in civil/criminal justice processes.
Social Justice - focus on addressing the impacts of and responses to systemic violence based on race, ethnicity, ability, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, etc.; proposals can include anti-racism work, community organizing, anti-oppression, reproductive justice, etc.
With these categories in mind; topics on all aspects of the violence continuum are being sought, including the following focus areas:
- Neglectful Supervision
- Drug Endangered Children
- Evaluation
- Military
- Medical
- Criminal Justice/Legal
- Immigration
- Community Organizing
- Anti-oppression
- Culturally Specific Services
- Counseling
- Rural/Border
- Self Care
Criteria for proposals
- Session’s learning objectives are clear
- Content reflects best practices to address and/or prevent child abuse
- Session supports critical conversations to advance the filed
- Content is aligned with the conference theme
- Session includes use of mixed learning methods as appropriate
- Content displays an intersectional approach
Workshop Length
- Each workshop session is 90-minutes in length, so please plan your workshop accordingly
- Workshops that cover two (2), 90-minute sessions will also be considered
Who will be there?
The Champion for Children Conference attracts a wide variety of people committed to addressing and preventing child abuse including:
- Advocates/ Preventionists
- Behavioral/Mental Health Professionals
- Community Activists
- Law Enforcement
- Foster Parents
- Day Care Providers
- Health Care Providers
- Educators
- Campus Professionals
- Prosecutors and Attorneys
- Local, State, National, Territorial, and Tribal Governments
- Military
- Offender Management Experts
Proposal Acceptance
Electronic submissions must be received by 8PM (CST) on Friday, October 29, 2021. Applicants will receive notice by December 1, 2021. For each workshop session, presenter will receive free conference registration (up to 2 for presentations, 4 for case studies). Contracts will be sent to those accepted to discuss additional financial terms.